Vanco Events has no processing or ticket fees apply when your event is free. This includes tickets that have been discounted by 100% via a promotion code. Having one system for both paid and free events can see an increase in uptake and RSVP rates.
Free events allow for additional functionality to help streamline the booking process and management for both the customer and the event organizer. This assists in keeping attendance numbers accurate, allowing for better planning in the lead up to the event.
This article covers:
- Vanco Events definition of a free event
- Return free tickets
- Turning off address/phone fields at checkout
Vanco Events definition of a free event
A free event is one that has no ticket type setup in any pricing group. It can be identified by having the dollar value replaced with the text 'Free' during booking.
If you have a ticket type set to a $0 value or are using a promotional code or gift certificate to make the ticket complimentary on any session or section on your event, then this event is not considered to be a free event.
Return free tickets
This feature allows the ticket buyer that has purchased to a free event, to return their tickets if they (or their group) have a change of mind or cannot attend the event. This provides potential attendees with the opportunity to claim the no longer required tickets for themselves.
By giving the ticket holder control of cancelling their own booking, it aids in keeping attendee numbers accurate by reducing no-shows. This is an especially useful feature when the event is reaching capacity.
Tickets can only be returned whilst your booking window is active. Once your event has closed from taking bookings, returning free tickets is no longer possible for the ticket buyer.
To enable Return free tickets upon event creation:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Events then Create New Event
- In Step 4: Create Tickets, select Free
- Tick the box Allow ticket buyers to return free tickets
- Proceed with Step 5: Add Images, and complete Create an Event
To enable Return free tickets once the event has been created:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- In the Manage events overview, click on the name of your event
- From the left menu, click Return free tickets under Ticketing
- Tick the box Allow ticket buyers to return free tickets
- Click Save
If you add in ticket prices or add in additional sections / sessions which have ticket prices associated with them, the hand back free tickets function will automatically be disabled.
How does it work?
If you have enabled Return free tickets, on each booking confirmation for this event, the ticket buyer will see Ticket Return towards the bottom of their ticket confirmation email.
By clicking on Click here to return, the ticket buyer will be able to select which tickets of their original order they wish to return.
To be sure, especially if tickets have been distributed to friends and family, the ticket buyer will be asked to confirm (via email) that they agree to have the selected tickets returned.
Once the confirmation is actioned, a new ticket confirmation email will be forwarded with the remaining tickets for viewing or printing.
The event organizer reports will display returned tickets as "refunded" on all applicable reports.
Turning off the address/phone fields at checkout
Keeping the booking processes quick and simple for free events can ensure that attendees confirm their attendance. Free events allow you to choose whether you wish to collect the address and/or phone number of the ticket buyer, reducing the data that is needed to complete the booking.
To remove the address and/or phone fields upon event creation:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Events then Create New Event
- In Step 4: Create Tickets, select Free
- Un-select collect phone number from ticket buyers and/or collect address from ticket buyers
- Proceed with Step 5: Add Images, and complete Create an Event
To edit this option after the event has been created:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- In the Manage events overview, click on the name of your event
- From the left menu, click Data collection under Additional Information
- Under Ticket Buyer information, select from the fields Do not collect telephone number for this free event and/or Do not collect address for this free event
- Click Save
Should you turn these on part way through, your bookings to this point will be missing this data. If you add in ticket prices to any section / sections or pricing group on that event, these options will automatically be disabled and data will once again be collected on all bookings from this point onwards.
Why isn't this an option for paid events?
Address and phone number are mandatory fields for a paid event. Collecting this data is standard practice across platforms when processing a payment online. It aids in the detection and prevention of fraudulent activity for the cardholder.
Details on how we handle and protect customers data can found via Privacy.