Is your event running online without a physical address? Vanco Events gives you the ability to sell tickets to your online events and provide you with the means for sharing the meeting link, meeting ID and meeting password for attending to those that have booked.
This article covers:
- How to create an online event
- Adding or editing the online meeting link once your event has been created
- Sharing your online meeting link details with attendees via Email
- Changing an existing event to an online event
How to create an online event
- On the left menu under Events, select Create an event
- Complete Step 1: Event Details, then click Next: Venue Details
- In Step 2: Venue Details, select the Online event
- Set how many attendees you are happy to have in attendance in the Capacity field
- Click Next: Session Times, then Add Sessions
- Enter in the online events session details:
- Session Start Date and Time: The date and time your event will commence
- Session End Date and Time: The date and time your event will conclude
- Booking Start Date and Time: When your event will go live for ticket sales
- Booking End Time: When your event will close for ticket sales
- Under the heading Add access details for your online event, you then have the option to enter:
- Online meeting link
- Meeting ID
- Meeting Password
- Choose whether you would like to include these details in the confirmation email that is sent to the customer on completion of booking, by selecting 'Include access details in the booking confirmation email'
- Click Save. Repeat for any further sessions you are hosting for the online event
- Click Next: Create Tickets
- If there is a cost for attending the event, select Paid. Click Create Ticket, to add the cost for an individual ticket
- Click Next: Add Images
- Complete Step 5: Add Images should you wish to add images to your event at this stage
- Click Create Event
Link to online event displayed within the confirmation email
Adding or editing the online event link once your event has been created
Adding in a meeting link details to your Vanco event is not mandatory at the time of creating your event. You will be able to add or edit the meeting link, meeting ID and Meeting password for your online event at any point in time.
To add or edit your meeting link details:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- In the Manage events overview, click on the name of your event
- From the left menu, click Session Times under Basic Information
- Locate the session you wish to update the meeting link details on, and click Edit
- Update the fields under Add access details for your online event
- Click Save
If you have selected to Include access details in the booking confirmation email and you change the link, bookings made prior to the change will have the old link listed. It is recommended that you use the Email Buyers feature to communicate the change to those that have already booked.
Sharing your online meeting link details with attendees via email
If you have added the meeting link details to your online event and wish to share the link with buyers via email, you have a couple of options to do so.
Share the link via the order confirmation
To send the meeting link to attendees automatically post-purchase, alongside their receipt, you can add the link to your event on the order confirmation email the attendees receive. This option is perfect if you don't need to add any additional information.
To set this up, tick the Include access details in the booking confirmation email checkbox when creating your event, or at a later time via Session Times on the side menu under Basic Information.
Share the link via the Follow Up Email feature
The Follow Up Email feature allows you to send a fully customized email to ticket buyers automatically post-purchase. You could include information such as the online meeting link, meeting ID, password, what they need to bring to the event etc.
First, ensure that you have provided the link when you Created your event or on the Session Times page. Then, using the [ONLINE_EVENT_LINK], [MEETING_ID] and [MEETING_PASSWORD] tags, you are able to send attendees the link to your event without needing to type out the these details itself.
By using the tags in this email, it also ensure the unique meeting credentials for each session time are provided for the session time they have purchased.
For more information on the Follow Up Email feature, click here.
Share the link via the Email Buyers feature
The Email Buyers feature allows you to send an email to all ticket buyers in bulk, this is useful if you wish to send out the link to your online event 24 hours prior.
Using the same [ONLINE_EVENT_LINK], [MEETING_ID] and [MEETING_PASSWORD] tags mentioned above, you can send attendees the link to your event without needing to type it out.
Using these tags are helpful as it means you don't have to update the copy for each session you are running, as the tag will pull through the unique meeting details that where entered in each session time.
For more information on how to send an email to your buyers, click here.
Changing an existing event to an online event
Should you plans change and you need to move your event from being held at a venue to being hosted online, there is no need to cancel your event or create a new one from scratch. You will be able to amend your existing event to accommodate, keeping your existing booking in place.
To change your existing event to an online event:
- On the left menu, click on Dashboard
- On the right, under Manage Events Overview, click on the name of your event
- On the left menu, under Basic information, click on Venue
- Select the Online event button, then click Save