As of November 4th 2020 Vanco Events will be providing Ticket Buyers with their tickets and receipts in PDF format as an attachment in their confirmation email.
This change is to make accessing tickets more accessible to your customers. Not only will they be able to save the PDF down to their device, but they will also be able to access the ticket without the need for an internet connection - extremely helpful for those events that are held in remote locations.
Whilst your customers will reap the rewards of this change immediately, as the event organizer you may need to adjust your procedures to accommodate this change. This article aims to address those areas, as well as answer questions or concerns you may have.
This article covers:
- Changes in the confirmation email
- Changes to the confirmation page
- Bookings made prior to the change
- Making changes to your event and reissuing tickets
- How this affects the Email Buyers and Follow Up Email
- Accessing the customer's tickets and/or receipt via the Booking Review page
Should you have any further queries or wish to discuss this change in detail, as always our Support Team would be more than happy to assist.
Changes to the confirmation page
On completion of booking, the customer is directed to the confirmation page. Where we have previously provided a button and direct links for access to tickets, your customers will now have an option to preview their tickets in a web browser via the View Tickets button or download their tickets via the Download Tickets button.
Changes to the confirmation email
For bookings made after the November 4th 2020 customers will have their tickets and receipts issued as a PDF attachment in the confirmation email. The tickets and receipts will be attached as two individual attachments. Should the customer purchase multiple events in one transaction, the tickets for each event will be in separate attachments.
This means the following area will be removed from the confirmation email:
- Print Tickets button in the top right
- Hyperlink to tickets
- Hyperlink to receipt
Example of the confirmation email:
What happens for those bookings made prior to the change?
For bookings made prior to November 4th 2020, customers will still be able to access the tickets via the ticket link on their booking confirmation email up to 9 months from the purchase date. These customers will also be able to access their receipt via the receipt link up to 18 months from the purchase date.
Should your event have a sales period of greater than 9 months, consider using the Email Buyers to send out a reminder to your customers with a copy of their tickets set as an attachment. For full instructions please see: Email Buyers.
Should you need to resend their confirmation email, the new confirmation email will contain the tickets as PDF attachments. For instructions on how to resend a customer's confirmation email, please see: Finding a booking and re-sending tickets.
Making changes to your event and reissuing tickets
If you have to make some changes to your event after having sold tickets, perhaps you need to move venues, or the change the date and or time you may need to reissue tickets to ticket holders.
Previously, any changes to your event were automatically reflected on tickets that had already been issued. However, PDF tickets cannot be automatically updated and you will need to reissue the tickets if you wish for these changes to be reflected on the tickets.
To reissue tickets with the updated information, you can resend the tickets to your customers via the Email Buyers feature. This feature will allow you to communicate to your customers regarding the changes to your event, and attach a copy of their tickets with the updated information.
For instructions on setting up the Email Buyers please see: Email Buyers
Should you need to update the attendee information that is on the tickets, you will still be able to do so via Edit a Booking. Once complete, you will be able to reissue their tickets with the updated details via the Booking Review Page. For instructions on doing so please see: Finding a booking and re-sending ticket.
How this affects Email Buyer and Follow Up Email features
Prior to this change, the Follow Up Email and the Email Buyers gave you the option of including a link to the customer's tickets via the [TICKET LINK] tag. This tag is no longer an option that can be included in these emails. However, you will still be able to provide your customers with a copy of their tickets and/or receipt as a PDF in these emails via enabling the Attach Ticket and Attach Receipt/Tax Invoice fields.
For events that included the [TICKETLINK] tag in either of these features (Past or Current), we have automatically removed the [TICKETLINK] tag in the email text and enabled Attach Tickets. This will ensure that any emails sent will still provide the customer with a copy of their tickets.
If you are in the habit of cloning your events, you may wish to update these areas to ensure the text of the email reads how you would like for this change.
Accessing the customer's tickets and/or receipt via the Booking Review page
You will still be able to access the customer's tickets via the Booking Review page. The difference here will be that you will be downloading a copy of the ticket/receipt rather than previewing it in a webpage.
For instructions on accessing the customer's Booking Review page please see: Finding a booking and re-sending ticket.