Events with long sales periods like festivals and performances may need a way to secure bookings early and reward eager attendees. The Early Bird tool allows you to set an alternative price on an existing Ticket Type for a specific date period.
To set up a booking window:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- In Manage events overview, click on your event
- From the left menu, click Pricing group (Ticket prices), under Ticketing
- Click on the pricing group you want to change
- Under Ticket price, click on the ticket name you want to change
- Open the tab Early bird
- Click the Add, and define the price and the dates in which this price will be offered
- Click Save
Repeat for each round of pricing offered. Early Birds will expire at 11:59 pm on the end date you select; when setting up multiple rounds of Early Birds, have your next stage start the day after your previous one ends.
You may wish to add a reminder to for when your booking windows are, either by adding it to your homepage, into a header above your first ticket or in the description of your ticket.