Selling merchandise alongside your event tickets provides convenience for your customers, increases merchandise sales, and can cut down on cash handling on the event day.
Whilst there are a variety of methods for selling merchandise alongside general admission or Space allocation events, events with a Seat allocation have more constraints to help protect the seat allocation. As we are working with tickets, we want to ensure that only tickets relating to the performance are allocated a seat number.
This article covers:
Setting merchandise items as individual tickets
This setup offers the greatest flexibility for multiple purchases and multiple items, as well as allowing for your merchandise items to be open for sale prior to and after your performance ticket sales.
This setup involves 4 main areas:
- Creating a new session time
- Creating a new Section
- Creating a new Pricing group
- Linking up via the Pricing Schema
To set up, using DVD orders as an example:
Step 1: Create a new Session Time:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Under Manage events overview, click your event name
- From the left menu, click Session Times under Basic Information
- Click Add Sessions
- With Add Single Session Time selected, enter the details for the new session time for your merchandise orders:
- The Session start date and time should be after the last performance session
- The Session end date and time can stay as the default (it wont be seen)
- The Booking start date and time should be when you wish to start taking merchandise orders
- The Booking end date and time should be when you wish to stop taking merchandise orders
- Click Save
- Click Edit next to the session time you just created
- Select the Additional Settings tab
- In the Session Time Label field, enter DVD Orders Only
- Click Save
How the session will display for the customer when booking:
Consider setting the booking end date and time for a date after the performance takes place, as you may find an increase in your merchandise sales. It is common for attendees to decide on purchase after they have attended the event.
Step 2: Create a new Section:
- From the left menu, click Sections under Allocation
- Click Add new section
- Click Next
- Name the section to be appropriate for what you are selling eg. DVD Orders
- Click Next (do not select Copy settings from)
- Select Space from the Allocation type drop-down field
- In the Maximum number of attendees field, enter in the quantity of the merchandise items you have in inventory to sell. If this number is based on how many orders you take, set a large number that you don't believe you would exceed.
- Click Create section, then click Finish
Step 3: Create a new pricing group:
- From the left menu, click Pricing groups (ticket prices), under Ticketing
- Click Add pricing group
- Name the pricing group appropriate for what you're selling eg. DVD Orders, and click OK
- Click Add Ticket Type, and fill out the details of the item you are selling
- Repeat step 4 for all merchandise items you wish to sell
Step 4: Linking up via the Pricing Schema:
- From the left menu, go to Pricing schema (under Ticketing)
A table will load, outlining your sessions, sections and the pricing groups assigned to each. - Using the drop-down field under the Pricing groups column, assign the new merchandise Pricing group to the new merchandise Section for each Session time
- For the session times that relate to the performance, for the new merchandise section only, under the Status column change the Status from Active to Hidden
- For the new session time that relates to the merchandise, in the performance section only, under the Status column change the Status from Active to Hidden
- Click Save
Once you have completed the setup be sure to go through Preview Event or Make a Booking to confirm it is linked up and displaying correctly. Our Support team would also be happy to double check your setup for you. They can be contacted via
Setting merchandise items as combination tickets
This setup is simple and works well when you have one merchandise option and a limited number of performance ticket types.
It does restrict the merchandise sales period to be the same as the performance tickets. The customer will not have the flexibility of purchasing the merchandise individually, meaning they need to make the decision to purchase the merchandise item at the same time as the performance ticket type.
To set up, using DVD orders as an example:
- From the left menu, click Pricing groups (ticket prices), under Ticketing
- Click on your existing pricing group
- Click Add Ticket Type, and enter in the details of the combination ticket:
- Ticket Type: Name your ticket so that it represents both entry and the merchandise item eg. Adult + DVD
- Description: Outline what this combination ticket includes eg. Adult entry plus DVD of the performance
- Group Ticket: Not selected
- Amount: Enter the combined cost of both the entry and the merchandise item
- Status: Active
- Click Save and close